Earth Angel Training

(No Fee)


True stories ranging from survivors and those on the ground to real events. For many, the information consists of what you did not know or even fathom as possible.


It is important to begin here so as Earth Angels we can better understand the darkness the Children of the World endure as well as what makes this a $150 BILLION a year industry. The enslavement of children for the purpose of sexual exploitation and trafficking consists of many layers.


Pre-captured interviews, research findings, techonolgy updates, and important tools and resources for Earth Angels to keep their light bright and bodies balanced and healthy.


The Earth Angel Journey for the Children of the World will stretch you. As you Raise your own Awareness, you’ll be able to raise awareness of others. Together, our light becomes brighter.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr. Civil rights activist through nonviolence and civil disobedience.


No Fee. Included in your Earth Angel Membership.


We are in a digital war against perpetrators and consumers of children. Discovering what makes this multi-billion dollar crime thrive opens doors to how we can protect and save the children.


This section of the Earth Angel Training consists of interviews ranging from survivors; those on the ground rescuing the children; after-care and the healing journey; technologies available; red-flags; plus resources and tools all Earth Angels will want inorder to keep ourselves healthy as well as increasing our own light and vibration.


Through interviews and reports, we’ll explore the intricacies of this multi-billion dollar industry. Subjects range from the victims, those financially benefitting and what is going on behind the scenes to put an end to children’s enslavement.


How and why this industry exists and works is valuable education. This section also includes expert interviews and reports on resources and tools to keep our light bright and bodies balanced and healthy.

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” ~ Albert Einstein. Widely acknowledged as the greatest physicists of all time.



No Fee. Included in your Earth Angel Membership.


There are an array of ways Earth Angels can take action. It’s time for us to Stand up. Speak out. Be the Change. Daily. Because we no longer are OK with what is going on.


You discover what you, as an Earth Angel, can do TODAY to extend a hand of hope. Inspired Action also includes utilizing the many resources and tools provided in your No-Fee membership to keep your light bright and bodies balanced and healthy.



Inspired Action training options range from participation in a weekly non-denominational prayer circle to tools you can use daily. There are a myriad of resources to select from as well. Earth Angel Brigade members can spread the word by hosting a Zoom presentation with We Are The Children of the World founder.


As members of the collective consciousness it is up to the Earth Angels to raise our vibration, make a difference and be part of the solution. Together, we become the tipping point.

“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. Civil rights activist through nonviolence and civil disobedience.


No Fee. Included in your Earth Angel Membership.

Calling Earth Angel Brigade Members

Companies and Individuals who feel the calling to Stand Up. Speak Out. Make a Difference.

Host a Zoom gathering and we will gladly make a presentation and answer questions.


Have a Podcast? Want to conduct an Interview?

Contact Us.

Thank you Champions of Light Brigade Members

Companies who Stand Up. Speak Out. Make a Difference.


Need rescuing? Want to report a situation?


Contact the
Human Trafficking Hotline

1-888-373-7888 (USA)

1-833-900-1010 (CA)

01800-5533-000 (Mexico)

Text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)



It’s OK if you are not sure. Make the call. Save lives.

We Are The Children of the World is a privately funded For Purpose Humanitarian Project. Earth Star LLC is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your contributions. To support this mission, please click on the button. Your Patron Support is made via PayPal and/or card of choice. Thank you very much.

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