Inner Guidance


We’ve all had those moments when inner guidance says, “Turn left here.”

“What?” we may ask? “I always turn right at this intersection.”

Argue as we may, we ultimately learn to follow “instructions”. Either that or “crash into a brick wall” and “pay the price” one way or another.

Such a moment occurred for me as I dove into researching the plight of millions of children around the world enslaved into sex trafficking and exploitation.

Where the story begins. . .

Like many of you, I was aware this “situation” existed. Reference has been made in movies, even TV drama shows. Plus news coverage of Jeffrey Epstein and the reported involvement of numerous people from Hollywood to Royalty.

However, I had no idea as to the depth and reach of what has become a multi-BILLION dollar a year industry. It is 2nd in the world behind the drug cartel and ahead of weaponry sales.

Take a moment and allow this to sink in. The buying and selling of children for the purpose of sexual exploitation is considered an industry!

I can no longer look the other way and pretend I do not know.

It’s no longer a random situation happening “over there”.

Nature is my go-to place for contemplation as well as rejuvenation. As I dive into more and more research my heart endures one heart-punch after another.

As I shared with those close to me they too admitted they are “aware” but had no idea about the extent of the horrific web being cast over children around the world.

Then, one day, while on a walk in nature I “heard” my inner guidance directing me to Stand Up! Speak Out! Do whatever I can to be a part of the change!

It was like being tapped on the shoulder by a wing.

You and I know we always have a choice.

One can say, “No. Not me. I pass.”

Another option is to ask, “OK. What shall I do?”

My journey has led me to this moment.

Co-Owned and Operated an Alternative Healing Center


We offered an array of services from nutritional guidance to acupuncture. Our center was one of the first of it’s kind in the area. Every morning and night we would sage the center to clear the space.

Twice a year I would trek out into the back country for sage; speaking to Grandfather plant, asking for permission; and leaving behind a mixture of tobacco, corn meal and bird seed in gratitude.

Co-Author with The Council

With advanced paranormal training a collective consciousness referred to as “The Council” began sharing many teachings about Mother Earth and All Her People.

Together we co-authored two books. Often times with me typing away as “they” told me the story. I owe my deep appreciation for nature and all living things to them.

Many days while out hiking, they send messages via the Eagle flying overhead and the “critters” I encounter along my path.

Year Long Weekly Show


Each month’s theme featured a guest impacting lives.

Conducted in a conversation format, we explored a myriad of ways these difference makers contributed to raising the collective consciousness.

Event Producer and Director


From fund-raising events to corporate events capturing a client’s vision and fueling it into reality brought me over 30 years of creative joy.

Eventually all this experience led to 1:1 consulting and launching many an entrepreneur’s dream.






We Are The Children of the World Founder


Today, I interview, connect with difference makers, and bring forth lightworkers to share their modalities.

Together we collectively Raise Awareness, Provide Education, and offer Support to the many impacted by the ramifications of the enslaved children.



Have a Question?

Want More Info?

Want to become an
Earth Angel Ambassador
and spread the message?

Need rescuing? Want to report a situation?


Contact the
Human Trafficking Hotline

1-888-373-7888 (USA)

1-833-900-1010 (CA)

01800-5533-000 (Mexico)

Text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)



It’s OK if you are not sure. Make the call. Save lives.

We Are The Children of the World is a privately funded For Purpose Humanitarian Project. Earth Star LLC is not a registered charity and therefore we cannot issue tax receipts for your contributions. To support this mission, please click on the button. Your Patron Support is made via PayPal and/or card of choice. Thank you very much.

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